Saturday 1 June 2013

love qoutes

*I love you for all the right reasons I'm not just a Summer Love I promise to stay, all four seasons.
*love is nothing,to be love is something,to love and be loved is everything.
* I'll never give up to make you back in my live and my love story...i love you
* One look, one word, one hug, one text, one call --> they can all mean so much when it's from that special person..
* I LOVE YOU is the best word in the world
* I'm not perfect. I'll annoy you, make fun of you, say stupid things, but you'll never find someone who loves you as much as I do...
*You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to the person to realize your worth
 *Happy moments, Praise tO ALLAH.. Difficult moments, Seek to ALLAH... Painful moments, Trust to ALLAH... Every moment, Thank to ALLAH..
*When you are in love, everything seems beautiful but I say when you are truly in love, you cant find anything more beautiful than your love...
*I live, I love, I laugh, I cry, I know I'm not perfect but no one is..

brsabar lha wahai hati jika cemburu sdang melanda
*beruntungnya kmu wahai wnita,,jika seorang lelaki itu mncintai kmu dgn niat utk mnjadikan kmu sbgai isterinya,,maka hargai lha si dia slagi dy msih mncintai kmu,jgn sesekali kecewakan hati mereka..
* Ya allah tnjukan pdanya...yg aq trlalu mnyanyangi dy
*disitu ada cinta dan rasa bahagia,,tp disitu jua hati terluka.
* Saat kita tengah sedih,,, tkkan mngkin seorng pn thu apa yg kta rsakan .. Kta cuba nk luahkn tpi akhirnya,,, airmata yg menemani ...
*Perktaan "I Love You" n pnggilan "Sayang" smakin murah ... yg sntiasa mahal ialah "aku terima nikahnya'' (✿◠‿◠)
*Perempuan mmbebel krna RISAU,
Perempuan marah krna SAYANG ,
Perempuan cmburu krna takut KEHILANGAN.

itu  ja yg sempat syada buat hari ini  =) h0pe enjoy..

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